New Year's debate on social peace in Tyrol

LH Matt in conversation with Caritas director Rathcap

  • Instead of a New Year speech, the state governor visits Caritas at the beginning of the year
  • Central social issues and challenges, participation and volunteerism and social peace are the focus of the exchange
  • The Tyrol grant will continue next year as well

Traditionally, the Tyrolean governor addressed the Tyroleans with a New Year's speech. Steps this year LH Anton Matt Caritas visit to talk to the director about new routes and the beginning of the year Elizabeth Rathkeb To talk about social peace, the desire to help in Tyrol and the opportunities and challenges of 2024. “Current times are chaotic, fast-moving and unsettling people. That's why it's more important than ever to stay connected and offer hope. What's needed in the coming year is not pointing fingers, but reaching out to prevent society from falling apart. I don't want to give a speech at the beginning of the year, I want to talk to people. That's why, this year, “I am delighted to be able to speak with Elisabeth Rathkepp about the positivity and willingness to help in our beautiful state of Tyrol at the start. I wish all Tyroleans the best and good health for 2024,” explains LH Succumb to his intentions. “As a state governor, social peace in our country is very important to me. Tyrol's landscape and the risk of natural disasters have taught us to help each other when things get tough. We must uphold this great value.

“In our daily work at Caritas, we see both the strengths and the dark sides of Tyrol. We enjoy people in need and a great desire to help Tyroleans. Because people in our country are known for helping the underprivileged and those who are currently in need. To take this form of social solidarity for granted No, and this characterizes us as a functioning society,” Caritas director Rathkeb explains at the beginning.

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Support against inflation, voluntary work and affordable housing

Central topics of discussion included inflation and related measures and the importance of voluntary work in Tyrol: “The reality is that many citizens with low incomes are still struggling with the tide of inflation. With the Tyrol grant, we have created a central, precise and targeted tool against inflation. Anyway, for the coming year we will give the Tyrol grant “We will continue to adapt to current developments. With this measure we are particularly supporting those with low incomes affected by price increases. At the same time, we will continue to use all available levers to provide affordable housing in Tyrol – we have an effective tool for this with housing subsidies,” he says. LH Mattel gives an overview and also highlights the volunteer work active in Tyrol: “The state of Tyrol is proud and grateful to the many volunteers who strive for the common good every day. Their achievements are invaluable and they deserve the utmost respect.

“Currently more than 100,000 people live below the poverty line in Tyrol. Especially these people are very important to us as Caritas and therefore we need strong efforts again in the new year to provide better support. Especially regarding the topic of housing. A joint effort is necessary here to reduce the burden of people. At the same time, we in Tyrol We rely on many volunteers, without whom comprehensive assistance would not be possible. At this time, I would like to thank all the people in our country who are committed to volunteering,” said Director Rathcap.

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“In the context of the great unity and solidarity in our country, we are moving into 2024 with great confidence. With joint efforts, we will positively develop Tyrol in the future. With this in mind, we wish everyone living in Tyrol a successful start to the new year,” he said. LH Mattel and director Rahtkeb concluded.

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