NEOS Board as the ideal candidate for Brandstätter

Yesterday evening, the enlarged group of NEOS unanimously voted for Helmut Brandstätter as the main candidate for the EU elections in June.

The third and final stage of the list-making process will be tomorrow's public meeting in Rankweil, Vorarlberg, which will decide on the list of candidates. The National Council member has already emerged as the favorite from the first phase of online primaries.

Brandstatter finished first by a wide margin. More than 2,100 people voted in the general election. Elsewhere on the list there are ten women in the top 15. NEOS boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger has long campaigned for the former “Courier” editor-in-chief, who entered parliament in 2019 as a “wild card” as a side entrance to NEOS.

The election program has also been fixed

A public meeting to decide the list of candidates will be held tomorrow at the Seminar Hotel in Rankville. After the Meinl-Reisinger speech, the first person on the list is chosen, followed by the rest of the list. After that the election program will be finalised. Up to 200 members have registered to participate on the site. Additionally, members may re-participate online as long as they have registered in time.

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