Solomonic verdict in South Africa's genocide case

The International Court of Justice in The Hague has called for better protection of civilians in the Gaza Strip. But he did not order the fighting to stop.

In the end, everyone managed to feel a little bit like a winner – but also a loser at the same time. Neither Israel nor South Africa were 100 percent correct in the International Court of Justice's interim Solomonic judgment in The Hague on charges of genocide in the Gaza war. In front of the Peace Palace, the seat of the UN court in the Dutch government headquarters, there were mainly pro-Palestinian demonstrators on Friday, including Greta Thunberg, a recent climate activist-turned-Middle East activist.

The Palestinian Foreign Minister and Naledi Bandor, especially his South African colleague who flew to the Netherlands, proved themselves morally. The court, chaired by American Joan Donoghue, overwhelmingly called for the protection of Palestinian civilians in the face of a “catastrophic humanitarian situation” and a “tragedy”. It called on Israel to stop the genocide. And it rejected what the defense called an “obscene” plea of ​​a genocide charge. South Africa presented “some plausible” reasons. South African icon Nelson Mandela is smiling at his grave, South African Justice Minister Ronald Lamola said in Pretoria.

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