Anti-Rightist Demonstrations in Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck – Politics –

Demonstrations against the right in Germany are the model for the rally

Similar demonstrations are planned in Austria on Friday, following last weekend's anti-right-wing extremism rallies in Germany. “Let's defend democracy!” A widely supported protest against right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism will take place in front of the parliament in Vienna from 6pm. Rallies are also planned in Innsbruck and Salzburg.

The rally in Vienna was launched by Fridays for the Future, Black Voices and a Platform for Humanitarian Asylum Policy. The SPÖ and the Greens and many other organizations – including Caritas, Catholic Action Austria, the ÖGB and the Chamber of Labor – have joined the call. Representatives from the Jewish and Muslim religious communities and representatives from the arts and culture sector will also attend, organizers said. According to organizers, 5,000 to 10,000 people are expected.

The rally is modeled after similar protests in Germany last weekend. The research center “Corrective” revealed a meeting of right-wing extremists in Potsdam on November 25, which was attended by AfD politicians and the former head of Austria's right-wing extremist identity movement. Martin Selner. Plans to expel millions of foreign-born people from Germany were discussed under the banner of “emigration”.

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