“Extremely unusual” neutron star presents a mystery

The scientists Universities of Manchester, Oxford and Sydney They found a neutron star different from all others in its class. Accordingly, it rotates at an unprecedentedly slow speed. Slower than the other 3,000 neutron starsIt has been observed so far.

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Neutron stars actually rotate very fast. Only many need it seconds or even its fractions rotate completely on its own axis. The newly discovered star is from… In a statement released by the university Reports, sending signals at intervals 54 minutes outside.

“Very unusual”

“Finding a neutron star candidate that emits radio waves in this way is very unusual,” says the lead author Manisha Caleb from the University of Sydney. The astrophysics professor says the discovery shows how exploring space with a new generation of radio telescopes can lead to surprises and challenge our understanding of the universe. Penn Stoppers Quoted.

The data comes from a combination of telescopes ASKAP in Australia And Meerkat in South Africa. The findings were published Journal of Natural Astronomy.

How do neutron stars form?

Neutron stars form when stars shed their outer shell at the end of their lives. Because of this Supernova The core of the star is collapsing. The pressure is so high that even atoms cannot withstand it. Electrons And Protons Then combine together NeutronsThat’s later Neutronenster Fig.

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The unusual material just discovered is approx 16,000 light years away from earth. Its name ASKAP J1935+2148. The radiation suggests that it is such a neutron star.

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A white dwarf?

Scientists have not completely ruled out the possibility that the signal came from someone white dwarf can come from They also arise from dead stars, but not in such a dynamic way. they”burned out“stars. They are significantly larger than neutron stars, but less dense.

Neutron stars are only about 20 kilometers, but at the same time has a mass comparable to our Sun. So they are very dense. White dwarfs, on the other hand, are the size of Earth. According to the researchers, the data recorded by ASKAP J1935+214 is the best match for the neutron star. Further investigation is needed to confirm what the material actually is.

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