Died in a shipwreck on the Danube in Hungary

The shipwreck took place yesterday evening in Véros, Hungary’s Best County. Police said the hotel cruise may have collided with a motorboat carrying eight people. Two passengers were killed and one was rescued with injuries. Three men and two women are still missing, a spokesperson for the Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK) told a press conference today.

A report was received last evening that a man was found in a pool of blood near Veros, police said at a press conference this morning. The injured man then told the authorities that he had had a boating accident. After this, the authorities immediately conducted an investigation and started a search. Civil defense and rescue were also alerted.

The background is still fully open

The bodies of a man and a woman were recovered during the search. The motorboat was also able to be towed ashore, the online portal “444.hu” quoted. The police stopped the hotel ship near Komarom. It is said that there has been damage to the side walls.

The ship’s connection is still unclear. The background to the incident is still open. BRFK has now started an investigation. The crash site is under investigation.

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