Now the station boss speaks: Station Club Lusteno – Report on events at Lusteno

On Sunday night, shocking violence escalated in front of the famous Sender Club in Lustenau.

According to preliminary information, two shots were fired around 11:45 pm, prompting the immediate intervention of the police. As a result of these events, two men, who have not been identified as employees of the club, suffered gunshot wounds to their extremities. Two victims of Chechen origin were immediately taken to hospitals in Dornbirn and Bregenz. Fortunately, their lives are not in danger.

“With all clarity against violence”

Amid the excitement and public concern, Senders Club Executive Director Wally Fidden is now speaking out. He spoke clearly against violence: “It is deeply regrettable that we are taking a clear stand against violence after the events of Saturday night.” Fidan emphasizes the club's active role in resolving incidents and reports say they work closely with local authorities, particularly the police.

He insists the club's security concept was effective on the night in question and guests' safety was guaranteed at all times.

The incident caused a stir in Vorarlberg and beyond. Police are currently conducting intensive investigations to clarify the exact circumstances and background behind the shooting. The Sender's Club has pledged its full support.

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