Russian speculation: Chechnya boss Kadyrov allegedly…

According to media reports in Russia, the ruler of the Republic of Chechnya is suffering from incurable pancreatic disease. Similar courts had denied its authority a few months earlier.

As a result of a media report, rumors about the health of Ramzan Kadyrov, the ruler of the Chechen Republic, have resurfaced in Russia. The politician, loyal to the Kremlin and known for brutalizing dissidents, suffers from an incurable disease of the pancreas, foreign-published newspaper Novaya Gazeta wrote. Europe” on Monday.

There was initially no official statement from Kadyrov's power apparatus, which denied similar rumors a few months ago in a recent media statement.

“There is no hope of recovery”

However, the generally well-known Novaya Gazeta newspaper wrote: “47-year-old Ramzan Kadyrov's health does not give hope for recovery. Moscow must now operationally decide how stability will be maintained in the absence of a hard-line Chechen dictator.

The article, founded by one-time Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov, cited sources from Kadyrov's entourage and doctors at the Russian Presidential Administration Hospital. The Chechen leader reportedly received treatment there last fall. At the time, strong rumors of his serious illness first surfaced – fueled by his long absence from public life and apparent complications during his rare appearances.

These speculations were officially denied at the time. Novaya Gazeta now reports that his long stay at a Moscow clinic was disguised as a sick visit to an uncle. In fact, journalists believe that Kadyrov himself is the patient.

Video of Kadyrov in Grozny

Meanwhile, a video was posted on Kadyrov's Telegram channel on Monday showing him at a regional government meeting in Chechnya's capital Grozny. However, the record is unlikely to soon end speculation about the politician's health: the Chechen ruler, accused of the most serious human rights violations, sits almost motionless at a table and speaks only slowly and with apparent difficulty.

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