“Profitable New Year” – Around 450 guests at St Paulton Chamber of Commerce's New Year reception

WKNÖ St. Places at the Pölten District Office's annual New Year reception are almost fully booked. WKNÖ director Johannes Schedlbauer and district office head Mario Burger at WIFI St. Around 450 guests were welcomed in Pölten. Numerous guests of honor, such as National Council members Friedrich Offenauer and Michaela Steinacker and State Parliamentarian Florian Krumböck, also accepted the invitation.

“2023 was difficult,” Berger insists, “and the region's entrepreneurs had to overcome big challenges.” However, people are positive. St. The Pölten District Office currently has 10,390 member companies. The district office is pleased with the 6,700 contacts with members from the district who contacted WKNÖ.

Energy prices, subsidies and support and the supply situation and the situation in the labor market are the most common topics. “As a regional interest group, our primary goal is not only to create better economic conditions for the region, but also to provide better service to our member companies. Many member communications show that this offer is acceptable,” said District Office Chair Burger.

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Approximately 90,000 employees work in approximately 14,000 active locations. 45 per cent of the member firms belong to the trade and craft sector, 26 per cent to trade and 15 per cent to information and consultancy. The rest is made up of the tourism and leisure economy, transport and transportation, industry and banking and insurance. “We have a very diverse entrepreneurial landscape,” says director Schettlebauer happily.

In 2024, WKNÖ St. The Pölten District Office will continue to provide active support to its members. What WKNÖ offers, above all, is a wealth of information, Schedlbauer emphasizes. “The spectrum we offer goes from A for labor law to Z for civil law,” says George Binder, district office manager. In this way, the District Office creates connections on the doorstep of St. Bolton's entrepreneurs when it comes to service and knowledge.

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