Legend of Grimrock is coming to Nintendo Switch now

A well-received dungeon-crawling RPG Legend of Grimrock The Nintendo Switch will receive a release on January 15, 2024.

Still Legend of Grimrock

The title first debuted on Windows over a decade ago and will cost €14.99 when it arrives on Switch. The game is definitely optimized for controller control. But what is it about? Players take control of a group of prisoners sent to Grimrock Mountain for crimes they “did or didn't commit” and must climb down the mountain, progressing through the levels and leading them to freedom. Here's a little more about the game, starting with the gameplay video:

The game brings back the old-school challenge of old RPGs, with highly tactical real-time combat and grid-based movement, tricky hidden switches and secrets, as well as deadly traps and terrifying monsters. Legend of Grimrock Values ​​puzzles and exploration, and players' minds and emotions are more important tools than sharp swords. Are you ready to take on the challenge and uncover the secrets of Grimrock Mountain? It's time to play the game on Nintendo Switch on January 15, 2024!

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