Israel is at war with Lebanon

Israel’s military has been attacking Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon and conducting military exercises in preparation for a major war with its northern neighbor. Military facilities and “terrorist infrastructure” are targeted

After repeated drone strikes in northern Israel, the Israeli military has again struck positions of pro-Iranian Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon. The Israeli military announced on Friday night that warplanes had struck military buildings and “terrorist infrastructure” there. The Army’s information could not be independently verified.

It also announced that the Israeli military was training for the possibility of a major war with its northern neighbor. The army said on Friday that in a week, the reserve forces of a platoon carried out various exercises to “enhance readiness along the northern border”. Operational readiness and preparation for “various combat scenarios”.

The war situation in Lebanon

The exercise, which took place in the Galilee, in the north of the country, simulated war situations in Lebanon. Infantry and armored troops were trained alongside soldiers from logistics and communications units to work together in difficult terrain. Other troops also trained with the Air Force to “rapidly deliver ground forces from the air into enemy territory.”

For more than seven months, there have been recurring clashes along the border between Israel and Lebanon. Since October, the pro-Iranian Shiite militia Hezbollah has been firing rockets, artillery and anti-tank grenades into northern Israel. UN According to a Security Council decision, Israel is using air and artillery strikes to combat Hezbollah positions that should not be near the border. Months of mutual shelling have already wreaked havoc on cities on both sides of the border. About 150,000 people had to flee their homes on both sides of the border. (APA/dpa)

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