Alpine skiing Kitzbühel – Barnabas Szolos with multiple broken bones in his jaw and face after a horrific fall

The International Ski Federation (FIS) said on its website: “Barnabas Tzolos' training on the Schreif ended abruptly after he suffered a serious fall seconds after he started. He was taken to a nearby hospital in Innsbruck, where doctors treated him. He suffered a concussion, multiple fractures to his jaw and face. He was diagnosed with fractures and some injuries to his body. Fortunately, he is awake and responsive, doctors said no permanent damage is expected and he will undergo surgery on Thursday. Thank you for your good health and best wishes for a speedy recovery.”

At 120 km/h, Zolos was hit so hard in the head that his helmet came off before the Israeli rushed into the safety net.

The Israeli was taken by helicopter to the hospital, where his family supported him.

Kuche predicts injury to nephew Remy

Unlike Szolos, the 23-year-old did not fall, but was unable to continue down the steep slope before the Swiss dislocated his left knee in pain.

Didier Kuche, the downhill record winner in Kitzbühel, analyzed his nephew's ride in the training zone. As Swiss daily newspaper “Blick” reports, the ski legend had to hold back a couple of tears after his nephew's accident. The former world champion's spontaneous remote diagnosis was sobering: “It looks like Remy has torn his cruciate ligament.”

An official determination on the extent of Cuche's injury is still pending.

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