Teaching training to be cut: Greens agree to Polashek's plan

Repeated Education Minister Martin Polashek (ÖVP) announced last year that it wanted to cut teacher training courses for middle and high schools. Eva Blimlinger, the Green Party's science spokesman, was “fundamentally” against it. Among other things, she does not see this as an effective measure against the teacher shortage. Negotiations are delayed.

Polaschek is delighted with the agreement his coalition partner reached on Wednesday with the Green Party leader. Siki Marar Presented to the Council of Ministers. According to reports, the Greens combined their approval with a yes from the ÖVP to introduce psychotherapy courses at public universities – changes that will soon be reviewed.

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Five years training for all

“We're shortening the longest teacher training course in the world,” says Polasek. The training of primary school teachers previously took 8 semesters for a bachelor's degree and 2 semesters for a master's degree – a minimum of 5 years. Middle schools, high schools, middle schools and pre-high schools 8 semesters for a bachelor's degree and 4 semesters for a master's degree – a minimum of 6 years. This is followed by an induction phase, usually lasting a year Young teachers are introduced to the teaching profession by experienced colleagues.

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What exactly will change as a result of the reform:

  • The duration of training is common Set for five years.
  • The Bachelor's degree lasts for 6 semesters Abridged, The A master's degree is two years later Study is possible. Thanks to the reform, it applies to all studies.
  • Students who are already working in school on their master's degree can benefit from this practical experience Induction phase will be credited. To facilitate this, the government wants to increase the number of part-time postgraduate courses. For this, coordination between universities and educational directorates should be improved. Objective: Better resilience in terms of practice and theory in the Master's programme.
  • “Inclusive Pedagogy” and “German as a Second Language” are two new, compulsory ones courses.
  • What to prepare as part of the package: Legal protection functions For young teachers. This means that until they complete their master's degree, they will only be assigned to a half-teaching position and will not have to take on classroom leadership or non-subject teaching. These changes are expected to be introduced as part of an amendment to the Services Act.
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Polaschek: Newbies can change

“We need to break old thinking to create sustainable improvements for all students and those entering the teaching profession,” says Sigi Marer. Polaschek speaks of a “federal political milestone”. The government developed a reform of teacher training courses with teacher training colleges and universities and the Quality Assurance Council for Teacher Training (QSR).

The review period for the new collection begins today. It will last until mid-February.

Could the reform lead to fewer people starting teacher training courses next semester? Then the new rule will still not apply. Anyone starting a four-year degree now can switch to a three-year degree, Polasek says.

read more: Polaschek is happy: the number of student teachers is increasing

How the “best job” works

Facing a teacher shortage, Turquoise-Green decided on the “Great Job” initiative a year ago. It is intended to facilitate lateral entry into the teaching profession. According to the Ministry of Education, 4,800 have applied so far and 2,300 have already been accepted.

Around 7,000 posts have been filled in the current academic year. New entrants to teacher training courses have increased by around 1,000 at the start of the course in 2023/24.

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