National Council: Reduce training time for new teachers

Yesterday the National Council reformed teacher training. For secondary school graduates such as high school and middle school, the revision refers to a shortened course period of one year. The coalition hopes it will make the teaching profession more attractive, while the opposition is skeptical. The SPÖ, FPÖ and NEOS, among others, refused to give their approval to the law.

From 2025/26, training for primary school teachers will consist of a three-year bachelor's degree and a two-year master's degree, while the transition for secondary school teachers will be made from 2026/27. Teacher training for the primary level (especially elementary school) currently requires a four-year bachelor's degree and a one-year master's degree. At the tertiary level (Middle School, AHS, BMHS) there is a four-year bachelor's degree and a two-year master's degree.

In addition, further changes were decided as part of the “university package”. In future, universities will also be allowed to regulate more post-graduate courses. A similar restriction is already in place for undergraduate and diploma courses. Universities can set a maximum limit on the number of applications for admission per semester and per person – however, applications for a minimum of five courses must still be allowed.

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