Maria Lanzendorf – The Repair Group is happy with its 100th “customer”.

From May 2022 there is a repair meeting in Maria Lanzendorf. People take the broken object with them, and Reinhard Schönbauer and Hubert Schiebelbrandner try to make it work again with the help of the owner. Requirement: The item you bring must be hand-carryable. So neither tractors nor cars fall into the desired category. The idea for this repair meeting came from local councilor Erwin Breuer (Green List), who still organizes this free service on the first Friday of the month.

Brewer reports that an average of six items are required to be repaired per incident. “The fully automatic coffee machine is at the top of the hit list of defective products. We've received 13 pieces for review to date. Vacuum cleaners are second. Eleven of them were delivered to us.” But experts are trying to give soda streamers, laptops, PlayStation or toys a “second life.” Success rate A good 60 percent,” says Bräuer.

Last Friday, Joseph John appeared at the community hall. He is the 100th “customer” since the repair meeting began in May 2022. He had a measuring device with a defective transistor. Since no suitable spare part was available, the Schönbauer/Scheiblbrandner duo would organize one and install it at the next repair meeting in March.

The repair meeting has become a real meeting place. Of course, the focus is on fixing the material, but the social aspects are not neglected. Carin Bräuer and Claudia Steindl make sure that the second term in term repair meets the perfect fit. They both pass the waiting time with coffee and cake for those hoping to successfully operate on their souvenirs – if not actively helping with repairs.

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