Hundreds protest against Tesla in Germany

more than 1000 environmentalists According to police reports, there was a demonstration Tesla factory Inside Grünheide Demonstration against car manufacturer near Berlin.

They traveled to the factory premises from the nearby Fangschleuse railway station on Saturday Many companies He had called for it.

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Also reviews from other car manufacturers

With the demonstration against Tesla, they want to warn about the dangers to the environment, but also criticize other car manufacturers. At the demonstration, some shouted: “Remove the stakes, with water protection!” The mood was tense after clashes broke out between protesters and police on Friday.

“The system doesn’t care about Tesla, VW Or Mercedes “The auto companies and their political supporters are responsible for selling our livelihoods,” the organization’s spokesperson said. Disrupt Tesla (“Tesla Sturgeon”).

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Controversial factory expansion

The only car factory in Europe owned by company boss Elon Musk. The activities of several groups, which have been going on since Wednesday, are expected to continue till Sunday Move on. They are directed against Tesla’s expansion with the freight station, deforestation, and the production of electric cars in general.

In a citizen survey in Grünheide, a majority voted against the expansion, signaling that the community and Tesla should clear less forest.

The citizens’ initiative Grünheide accuses Tesla and the Brandenburg state government of not paying enough attention to the interests of the people in the region. “You go through it, you don’t listen to the feelings of the local people,” said spokesman Steffen Schorcht. “It only serves Tesla’s interests.”

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Musk is irritating

Tesla-Chef Elon Musk Irritation appeared. “Something weird is going on because Tesla was the only car company hit on X Portal!”

Tesla has been producing since 2022 Grünheide in electric cars. The company has always refuted allegations about water, saying water consumption is low and below the industry average.

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Riot on Friday

Turmoil erupted on the edge of the Tesla factory site on Friday. Many activists tried to enter the area but were stopped by the police. Protesters and officials clashed. Police used pepper spray and batons.

Many participants 21 According to police, emergency services were injured 16 People were first detained. Tesla didn’t produce on Friday — but according to a spokeswoman, that coincided with the bridge day after the Ascension Day holiday.

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Already inside March An American car manufacturer had to ask Arson attack It suddenly stopped production at its factory in Grünheide for a few days. A left-wing extremist group has claimed responsibility for the crime.

Climate activists have been protesting very close to the car factory since late February Camp With wooden houses against planned expansion and deforestation. The police should ensure that wooden houses are removed. A legal dispute is currently underway.

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