European elections 2024: preliminary results on election day

European elections

The provisional results of the 2024 European elections will be published on election day, after the last polling stations in the EU have closed, including the portion of postal votes that have already been assessed directly by local electoral authorities.

It is as follows:

The number of eligible voters is 6,372,204.

3,448,520 votes were cast.

were in it

58,528 void,

3,389,992 is valid.

The valid votes allocated to the individual contesting parties are as follows (abbreviations are in square brackets):

“The Austrian People’s Party [ÖVP]838,373, i.e. 24.7%,

“The Social Democratic Party of Austria [SPÖ]787,407, i.e. 23.2%,

“Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) – Freedom Party [FPÖ]872,304, i.e. 25.7%,

“Greens – Green Alternative [GRÜNE]364,251, i.e. 10.7%,

“NEOS – New Europe [NEOS]337,132, i.e. 9.9%,

“DNA – Democracy – Neutral – Authentic [DNA]91,983, i.e. 2.7%,

“Communist Party of Austria – KPÖ Plus [KPÖ]98,542, i.e. 2.9%.

54.1% voting was reported.

Ballot papers used for postal voting and not already evaluated by local election officials on Sunday will be evaluated by district election officials from 9 am tomorrow, Monday. About 109,000 ballot papers are still available.

If these electoral maps do not change, Austria’s 20 seats in the European Parliament will be distributed as follows:

FPÖ 6 decrees,
ÖVP 5 decrees,
SPÖ 5 decrees,
Greens 2 mandates,
NEOS 2 command.

The Federal Election Commission will determine the final result of the 2024 European elections in Austria on June 26, 2024 and announce it on BMI’s official notice board and on the Internet.

The provisional preference vote results are expected next Wednesday.

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Article No: 26957, Sunday, June 9, 2024, from 11:00 P.M.
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