Baby news in the Lukner family? – 5 min

Posted on June 3, 2024 at 8:46 pm

Shocking new news in the Lughner family: Is Jacqueline expecting a baby soon?

Van Nadia Alina Kresl

Nadia Kresl 5 minutesNadia Kresl 5 minutes

1 minute reading time(173 words)

A 91-year-old construction lion Richard Lugner In a conversation with “Crone” and “oe24” his daughter Jacqueline hinted that she might expect a baby soon. In his own words he said: “Besides, she’s going to have a baby soon.”

Is she already pregnant?

This report naturally raises the question of whether Jacqueline is already pregnant – by her fiancé Leo Kolbauer. “I mean, if she gets married, she’ll definitely be a mother soon, and she’ll definitely get married,” explained a visibly proud Richard Lugner. But did the seasoned businessman make a mistake?

Summer wedding

As soon as he said that, Lugner tried to retract his statement. “Now of course I said something stupid…” he trailed off. “If Jackie gets married, she will have a baby soon,” he added. According to Richard Lugner, his daughter’s wedding should take place this summer. However, he was unwilling or unable to divulge further details about the appointment.

An announcement: This post was updated on June 3, 2024 at 9:36 pm

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