Admins need a ChatGPT alternative

Survey by Adesso
Admins need a ChatGPT alternative

Presenters on the topic

A good year after OpenAI released SatGBT to the public, IT service provider Adesso wants to know how the application has been received in business. Accordingly, ChatGPT is a popular everyday assistant – but many users prefer the German offering.

Benedict Boneman, Head of Data & Analytics at Addeso

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More than 80 percent Interviewed 400 managers know ChatGPT and nearly 60 percent have already worked with it. User satisfaction is significant: 75 percent of ChatGPT users said they were “satisfied” or “very satisfied.” Weak points like questionable content or fabricated facts (“hallucinations”) don't bother the majority.

One possible reason for this: According to the survey, ChatGPT makes you more productive. 40 percent of those surveyed said they saved three to five hours of work time per week by using AI. One in five find it saves even more time. Accordingly, ChatGPT is frequently used and a part of everyday life. More than half of managers (58 percent) use the app several times a week, and 15 percent use it several times a day.

“Made in Germany” Gefract

However, another stumbling block is that American company OpenAI is behind ChatGPT. Almost two-thirds (65 percent) of those surveyed would like to see a comparable GenAI application from a German provider. There are already steps in this direction, including the start-up Aleph Alpha, which relies on “AI Made in Germany”.

“Initially there was a phase of individual testing. Now we are approached by many companies that want to systematically use the potential of GenAI,” explains Benedikt Bonnmann, head of the Data & Analytics business unit at Adesso. Using your own data in a secure environment, creating individual solutions and processes and in your own IT landscape This includes seamless integration.” This will significantly increase the business benefits of the technology. “Companies are now setting the course for benefiting from GenAI in the future,” says Bonnmann.

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