A History of Bruckner Technique and the Audience as a Conductor

The strings respond to the wind instruments, the bassoon holds a note unwaveringly and firmly, and in the middle is the conductor Markus Böschner, who directs and unites the diverse communications in the large orchestra. Anton Bruckner's music, especially the Scherzo from his 9th Symphony, can now be enjoyed in Ars Electronic Center's Deep Space 8K and play with different tones of the Bruckner Orchestra (BOL) appearing in 3D visualization. . In addition to the “Being Anton” exhibition, the deep space application “Playing Anton” is an excellent contribution to the first Bruckner Year by the Futurelab, which aims to stimulate interest in the great composer who died 200 years ago. The realization was financially supported by the state of Upper Austria and the city of Linz (costs: about 320,000 euros).

The orchestras that are about to play seem to float in rays, points and swirls of light. Listening and watching (with 3D glasses) is an intense experience. When you step onto the “stage” in front of the 16 x 9 meter projection surface, you become a participant and can co-direct. Individual groups of instruments can be strengthened sonically and visually by standing in their image, which is the projected surface below the deep sound space. “Enthusiasm for Bruckner beginners of all ages and classical music enthusiasts who can still make new discoveries here,” says AEC boss Gerfried Stocker. “The audience puts the instruments together themselves and playfully explores how the sounds come together,” explains AI researcher and composer Ali Nikrang.

The world is changing

If you immerse yourself in the music of the great master in Deep Space, the exhibition on the lower floor primarily illuminates Anton Bruckner's time in various ways. By doing so, we are able to bridge the gap for today's innovation and progress. Because Bruckner and his contemporaries must have had as many influences and impacts as they do for humanity today, AI and Co. (over) challenge us.

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The Industrial Revolution began during Bruckner's lifetime. The first steam engines made Bruckner's travels possible, the latest achievements were presented at major world fairs such as telephony and telegraphy, electricity, photography… the world was virtually networked for the first time. With headphones adjusted, you can hear quotations from Bruckner and contemporaries, sounds (like an organ) and tones; Small transmitters correspond to your own location, thus triggering the appropriate input and connecting to each other. According to Stocker, facsimiles of newspaper reports show that Bruckner was “celebrated and condemned” in his time.

Enriching sound spaces

In the acoustic space, amidst wooden installations reminiscent of organ pipes, Bruckner's music, excerpts from symphonies meet the famous locus iste and the background noise of Bruckner's time.

State Governor Thomas Stelzer praised the AEC's work as “an excellent program and enrichment for the Bruckner year” in the presentation: “Culture and music are the basis and motivation for bringing new things.” It is “DNA”. The house, dealing with it to deal with what consequences, but opportunities and possibilities, means people's upheavals, Linz Mayor Klaus Luger said. Regional Culture Director Margot Nasal sees “Connection with Today” as a successful opportunity to show Bruckner as part of the “State of the Art” of the 1st Upper Austrian Culture Fair. The Bruckner Orchestra has been working with the Ars Electronica Center for twenty years, says Norbert Trawöger, artistic director of the BOL and the first OÖ KulturEXPO, offering the opportunity to use it now with a “fascinating experience” in Deep Space. Experience “a symphony in the engine room”, “an orchestra in gears”.

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Linz City Councilor for Culture and Tourism Doris Lang-Meyerhofer is convinced that the AEC will not only attract international guests, but also introduce Austrians to the great composer. The exhibition will be on view from February 1 until the end of the year. Visitors are guided by information trainers to experience “Playing Anton” in Deep Space at 4:30 p.m. A themed weekend will be held on February 3rd and 4th.

By Melanie Wagenhofer

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